Overview The Middle East Overtures and Proposals for the 221st General Assembly all address Israel-Palestine issues and focus on one question: will the GA stay […]
PFMEP Peacemaking Breakfast Videos
On Saturday June 14 at the Presbyterian General Assembly we had 3 passionate speakers speak passionately about engagement, positive investment, and a peace the respects the […]
Grassroots Peacemaking Matters
It is all too common to hear the words “hopeless” and “intractable” when talking about the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. We disagree. The road to peace […]
The Forgotten Refugees of the Middle East
Most of us are familiar with the history of Palestinian refugees of the 1948 war. Most are not familiar with the story of almost 1 […]
After Pressure from BDS leaders, GA Middle East Committee Moderator Is Removed
The Presbyterian Church, USA has always been known for its strenuous debates of controversial issues. It has never been known for ideological purges. That changed […]
New website articles
Two new articles are posted on the PFMEP homepage. The first article is a discussion of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s statements on Israel. Dr. King’s […]
Support Overture 22
Presbyterians for Middle East Peace calls upon the 221st Presbyterian General Assembly to approve and adopt General Assembly Overture 22. This overture asks Presbyterians […]
Dr. King on Israel
While the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is best recognized as a champion of the American civil rights movement, his wisdom and vision extended beyond […]
General Assembly Overture 22
221st General Assembly Overture 22 On Supporting Middle East Peacemaking—From the Presbytery of New Covenant. The Presbytery of New Covenant overtures the 221st General […]
Misleading and Harmful: the “Palestinian Loss of Land” Maps
These “maps” have been widely circulated by the BDS movement, and they are misleading and dishonest. They appear in the “Zionism Unsettled” study guide. They […]